Hi all, time for an update again. Having failed to upload any images last time - due to technical difficulties, I'm going to try again now with some I'd saved by the artist Frank Auerbach, who I was researching for my painting elective.
This first image is of Frank's studio. The canvas shows a painting he was working on depicting the entrance to his studio in Camden town, London. His landscapes were generally this size 50" x 50". The build up of paint on the floor and work surfaces is the result of his practice of scraping the paint off the canvas at the end of each session. He would then start the painting again at the next session gradually building up layers of paint - sometimes up to or more than an inch thick. He did keep the scraped off paint to use again but obviously a certain amount fell to the floor and worksurfaces. He used a similar method when drawing i.e. rubbing off the entire surface after a days work only to begin again on the same sheet the following day. Considering that he spent ten hours a day, seven days a week in his studio for over thirty years it's hardly surprising that a little residue managed to accumulate.
Forty one work sessions went into 'Portrait of Sandra' and the drawing in progress was photographed each day on it's easel. At roughly half way through the progression a section of the page had to be replaced as it wore through from the constant erasing. I could go on for days with his fascinating story but sure ye may as well borrow the book (LSAD library) and read it at your own leisure.
While I'm on here I want to upload some images you may or may not find interesting, of some stuff I did over the holidays. I'd made a selection of forms, legs, hands and head with the intention of trying out various compositions. As I'm starting my second elective - sculpture - next week, they may provide some useful reference. I also find this blog works as an extra back-up for work saved. Any critique is welcome so feel free.
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