Thursday, 18 October 2012

Hi all, going to start todays blog by uploading the image of my paper-straw
head, as promised yesterday. Had to take a new photo of it and as you can see it's now up on the wall. Although not completed I've taken this experiment as far as I want to for now. I'm not discounting doing a piece using paper straws - it's just that at the moment I'm keen to try other materials and so I will limit my time spent using each one while experimenting.

Anyone need a hand?
 Another idea I have to give a sense of my space is to cast the space I occupy ( at present ), so that when the cast is removed, the imprint left behind is a visual record of my space for as long as the cast exists. I actually thinking of how a full body cast would work if say the front half of the body was cast, then the back half, then they could be hinged together. A bit like the old Iron Maiden torture device, or maybe painted on the outside to resemble an egyptian phaeros casket. Might just create a big mud puddle in the garden and lie in that - wouldn't that look good on the wall?
Just wanted to give you all a link regarding a style of wire sculpture I saw lately that I really liked. It's by an artist called Tomohiro Inaba and has a real mystical quality which is something that I personally associate with the word 'sense'. Another link that I'd like to add is for a paper sculptor called Peter Callesen. me want to experiment some more with paper.
   I watched a video clip of a sculptor at a recent tutorial by the name of Andy Goldsworthy. It showed him building a stone cairn on the seashore and then watching the effect the tides had on it. On recognising his name on a book in the library today I took it off the shelf to see some of his other work, and I have to say it has opened up a whole new avenue of ideas for me.
 The range of natural materials and settings he incorporates in his work is amazing. Having been advised to try out 'found' materials, possibly something from where I live - to include a sense of personal space in my piece - I'm going to attempt something with these shoots that were growing at the base of a tree in the garden. (see image on the left ) Not sure what kind of tree but I'll get back to ye with the next update.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

project update

Hi fellow bloggers, time for an update on my project. As you know from my last post I had started to build a model of a head using paper straws thinking they'd be easier to use than wire. The problem though was that they buckled when bent so the only way to create curves was to flatten them lengthways first. The offset of this was that they lost any sturdiness gained by the cylindrical shape. Not surprisingly the updated image I had intended to upload seems to have vanished into the depths of the computer so I'll have to retake it and post it up tomorrow.
Conducted an experiment over the weekend with stronger wire. Had some 2.5mm gauge tying wire in the shed so I decided to see what it would be kike to work with. It's definately strong, keeps it's shape but was to thick to cut with a pliers - had to use a hacksaw. I really wanted to find out the best way to join seperate pieces, apart from twisting together which would be difficult with this gauge. A soldering iron proved ineffective so I resorted to a blow torch. Seemed to work o.k., a good strong joint ( of solder - jeez ) but pieces had to be clamped first. Any assembly would have to be carried out in a workshop rather than a studio so not sure how that's gonna work. I have decided to look into the possibility of using other materials - maybe something unusual - so that'll be my next course of action.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Hi all, had our usual friday group tutorial this morning. Got to critique other people's work again - always interesting. I was kind of surprised by how much work everyone has done so far. Think I need to look around at other peoples stuff more often and maybe get my work-rate up a bit.
Tried another angle on the wire model theme. By accident I discovered that by winding the lightest wire around a finger, to gauge it's dimensions, that when I removed the wire (I had to rotate it the opposite direction to the way I'd wound it) I ended up with a spring in the shape of the finger. Consequently I made more but my attempt to use the same method to form a hand shape failed as the wire wasn't strong enough over the larger area.
Checked out some scribble wire sculpture by an artist called David Oliveira Definately want to try this next. Have an image here of his work. I think this style offers more in the way of transparency or suggested space than a 3D wire model sculpture might.
Also tried some 3D modelling using paper instead of wire. The idea I had was to use flattened straws (more flexible) and join them with tape. I still have to try joining heavier wire - possibly with solder, so I'm experimenting with paper for now. It's going far, hopefully I'll get more done on Monday. Here's how it look's at the moment.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Hi all, just a quick post to bring ye up to date on my project work. I mentioned anthony gormley the last time as I am interested in the idea of a transparent figure for the project. So this week I've been experimenting with using wire to model shapes. Obviously this takes a bit of practise, as you'll see from the images I've included, but it's good to have made a start on something physical.
My first attempt was with insulated wire tied together with fine wire - I found the insulated wire more rigid but difficult to join without the fine wire. Even when tied the seperate pieces tend to slide out of place due to the insulation.I then tried using the fine wire on it's own adding an extra winding for strength, but I've just learnt today that I should've doubled up the wire before forming it into shapes. I thought I'd start off by trying to make a hand and the shapes created so far are fingers - in case your thinking (well, I know what some of ye are thinking) they resemble something else.
Ater working with both types of wire I think I need something more rigid. I'm also going to try other materials. Maybe I'll try using a single heavier gauge wire without any joints. In the meantime I'm going to check out some other wire sculpture images on the net. If anyone knows any good ones please let me know. Later

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

project update

Hello fellow bloggers, been thinking along the lines of a transparent figure to represent "My space". One idea that sprang to mind was a wire-frame figure, as in 3D modelling, so it would be a sculpture of a person constructed from sections of wire. I have yet to work out the construction details so any advice would be appreciated. Already recieved some good advice from my tutor regarding research for this idea. He pointed me in the direction of Anthony Gormley's work. I've added a few images of his work though I'm sure your all aware of it already.
Realy like the one with the oustretched arms.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Back again, hopfully thing's running a bit faster this time. Gonna start by uploading some images from the blow up sculpture exhibit that I mentioned in my last blog.
As you can see from the images, two large spaces where created using plastic sheeting which was joined together into the required size and shape and then inflated using compressors.
Turned out to be quite windy on the day but I think the billowing effect caused by the wind added to the atmosphere inside. It was certainly a useful experience with regards to our project. Have to say that it was an inspiration for me so a big thanks to those involved.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Hello fellow art student's, blog time again. I know I should be posting more often but I'm a bit disorganised at the moment. It's only a temporary situation though as this is all new to me and takes a bit of getting used to. Anyway last week was spent mostly researching other artist's work both in the library and on the interweb. I also came up with some more ideas for the project which are in my sketchbook. I will transfer them to my blog asap. Attended a cool exibition in the college garden on thursday which I'd guessed might be helpful to our project and it was. Have some images to upload but the computer's running to slow at the moment so will try again tomorrow.